Introducing Olivia Kelly! Nate's L'il Sister....

Just a sneak peek...

Nate calming his little sister with a kiss.

Nate, hamming it up with Dad's forge hat.

A peaceful moment with Jen and Olivia.

Sweet little Olivia.

The Gardiners & Extended Family - Dante's Confirmation


Dante all decked out for his confirmation. Great gran at his side, gran on the far left, aunt and uncle behind, dad, mom, big brother, and little brother all supporting him on his important day.

 Jake here was full of energy and a real ham for the photos. We did manage to get in a bunch of nice shots without a ninja pose, eyes open, tongues not sticking out. He is the sweetest young guy and I am so pleased to be friends with the family. Jake even asked if I was going to sleep over! Sadly, I had to decline. ha!! We settled for hot dogs and beer. Strangely enough, this is my favourite shot of him in action.

He took this photo of me. He is very keen behind the camera.
Todd, Dante, Lisa

The Brothers Three


Great Grandma
Lisa and her brother, Mike

There were so many other great shots from this day. I will be sharing more after part two in June.